Flush mount Decora Keystone Wallplates from ATI Cables will fulfill the most complicated station installation requirements through a wide selection of snap-in modules. A variety of jacks and connectors will fill the wall plate openings to meet your specific requirements of voice, data, audio, video, fiber optic, etc. The inserts are a snap to install and remove, giving you a highly adaptable system.
Audio / Video Cables / Decora Wall Plates / Network Cabling / Wall Plates / Wall Plates
1 Port Decora Keystone Wall Plate Insert
Discount per Quantity
Quantity | 1-9 | 10-99 | 100+ |
Price | $0.75 | $0.71 | $0.65 |
Weight | .06 lbs |
• Single Gang, 1 Hole Decorative Keystone Wall Plate Insert
• Accepts Keystone Jacks
• Colour – White
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